One US dollar is currently equal to 24.3 cordobas. One bottle of Joyita costs 16 cordobas.

Joyita is a sugar cane based alcohol. This stuff is not for the board short, flip flop wearing weekend warrior you typically see in San Juan del Sur. Rather, it’s for those who drink like it’s their job, working towards a promotion.

– YOU might wanna do the math…because the guy in this photograph (that was taken at 8:41 in the morning) is in no shape to do it for you!

We’ve all seen this famous slogan for beer. 


Well…we’re thinking the slogan for Joyita could be:

“Helping people get the rest they need, wherever they may be!”

Semana Santa 2013


Happy Friday y’all

One Comment

  1. Once in a pinch and with no other options Carrie and I purchased a bottle of Joyita and it did the trick nice and quick resulting in a beautiful romantic evening!! Haha


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