* Conversion based on an exchange rate of 22.9 Cordobas for 1 USD.
Item | Description | USD | Cordobas |
Monthly Rent | 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom partially furnished house on the beach | 350.00 | 8015 |
Bus Fare | Poneloya to Leon; takes 1 hour | 0.45 | 10 |
Taxi Fare | Poneloya to Leon; takes 15 minutes | 10.92 | 250 |
Chicken Dinner for Two & 1 Litre of Tona | Purchased at Tip Top; Nicaragua’s version of KFC | 12.36 | 283 |
Pineapple | Bought fresh in Poneloya | 0.70 | 15 |
Roasted Chicken | Just like you get at the Co-Op – only better; purchased at the supermarket | 2.95 | 67.50 |
1 small cucumber | Purchased at the supermarket | 0.35 | 8 |
1/2 litre milk | Purchased at the local corner store | 0.52 | 12 |
Bottled Water | 5 gallons | 1.97 | 45 |
12 pack of Tona | Purchased at the supermarket | 8.86 | 203 |
1 can Tona | Purchased at a restaurant in Poneloya | 0.87 | 20 |
1 bottle red wine | 750 ml Cabernet Sauvignon; Chilean Wine | 5.46 | 125 |
1 litre of Tona | Purchased at the local corner store | 1.66 | 38 |
Benadryl (Difenhidramina Clohidrato) | 20 – 50 mg pills | 0.87 | 20 |
Antibiotics (Ciprofloxacina) | 10 – 500 mg pills | 1.31 | 30 |
50 pack sandwich bags | Ziploc brand | 2.51 | 57.45 |
Roll of Aluminum Foil | 25 square feet | 1.08 | 24.70 |
Liquid Laundry Soap | Cheer Brand; 16 loads | 4.60 | 105.30 |
4 pack of toilet paper | Charmin’ Premium Jumbo Rolls | 2.88 | 66 |
Awesome, I’m so happy for you two on your whole adventure!!
You had me at Chilean cab sauv for under $6.
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