Fishing isn’t an activity that I would normally spend a day doing, but Elisha’s Dad Willard is an avid fisherman so we couldn’t bare to watch the fishing boats leave the dock in San Juan del Sur without jumping on one.
While in San Juan we stayed at Gran Oceano hotel for $52 per night. The rooms were small and basic, but very clean.

Hotel Gran Oceano has huge outdoor garden and pool that was perfect for relaxing while being entertained by Reuben the Yellow Naped Amazon parrot. He could say “hola” and laugh – which he especially liked to do after biting you. He could also cry like a baby.

Gran Oceano offers fishing charters at a cost $300 for 5 hours for a boat that can take up to 6 people. The trip typically ncludes a meal, snacks, beer and soft drinks but since the Gran Oceano boat was already out, the owner set us up with a friend of his at a discounted price of $200. We had to supply our own beer and food, but felt $200 was a real steal. We were in Playas del Coco, Costa Rica just the day before and the same package was $800.

Sailfish are currently in season. With the Gran Oceano boat bringing in 4 sailfish and releasing 2 marlin the day before we went out we had high hopes. Our day started out slow but once the fish started biting the Captain could barely get one fish filleted before we hooked another.

Willard and I pulled in 4 yummy tuna and Elisha brought in a nice dorado. She did very well considering this was her first time ever deep sea fishing, she had only one eye and Willard, the Captain and I were all yelling instructions at her in two different languages. Unfortunately we weren’t lucky enough to catch any sailfish on this trip, but we sure had a great day out on the ocean!
You can find some expert fishermen back in Poneloya as well. Travel safe and keep the great pictures coming
Wow I would have loved that. Did you get to keep the fish to eat? Oh and Elisha you should have had one of those black patchs over your eye. LOL
Yes, Dana we got to keep the fish we caught. The captain filleted them for us on the boat. We cooked some while my parents were here. The mahi mahi was delicious!
In regards to the eye patch I would have much rather worn an actual black patch as it would have be much cooler, but unfortunately I could only find the “band-aid” patches.