HALLOWEEN MOON CRAB: Moon crabs are considered scavengers and will eat both plant and animal matter including leaves, seeds, fruit, and fish. They will also climb trees in search of food.
Did you know that you can grow a pineapple plant by twisting the crown off a store bought pineapple, allowing it to dry for 2-3 days, and then planting it?
TABASCO PEPPER PLANT: This type of hot pepper is what’s used to make the famous Tabasco® Sauce. Peppers mature from yellow-green to orange to red and have a unique, smoky flavor that contributes to Tabasco’s distinctive taste.
PINE CONE GINGER: This plant is most widely known around the world as the “Shampoo Ginger” for the milky substance in the cones, and it is in fact used as a shampoo in Asia and Hawaii, and as an ingredient in several commercial shampoos.
HOWLER MONKEY: It is said that the call of a howler monkey can be heard for 3-4 miles even through the thick tropical forest.
PLUMERIA: It is generally thought that plumerias are native to South & Central America although some reports claim they are native to the Caribbean and were taken to the Americas by Spanish priests.
CANE TOAD: The cane toad is active at night. They hide in crevices, niches and depressions during the day, to avoid predators. They are ravenous predators themselves, with a reputation for eating anything that can fit in their mouth. Natural prey includes insects like ants, honeybees, lizards, frogs, worms and beetles.
CACAO: The seeds of the cacao plant are used to make cocoa powder and chocolate.
GREAT WHITE HERON: The Great White Heron flies slowly but powerfully: with just two wingbeats per second their cruising speed is around 25 miles an hour. Though it mainly hunts while wading, the Great Egret occasionally swims to capture prey or hovers (somewhat laboriously) over the water and dips for fish.
Howlers weigh about 15 pounds when they reach adulthood and they have a lifespan of about 20 years.
PARROT SNAKE: The parrot snake is a slender, emerald green, non-venomous snake with a large, triangular head. It is an extremely agile breed with aggressive hunting skills that feeds on small animals or insects in its habitat.
Like other parrots, Scarlet macaws are left-handed. They use their left foot to handle food and grasp things while their right supports their body.
Thank you soooo much for treating us to these beautiful photos of flora & fauna de Nicaragua! These alone would be worth a visit, especially coming from Canada.
My plan is to visit sometime in early spring, or maybe even sooner.
Thanks for your contributions in keeping us informed about this beautiful country!
Thank you soooo much for treating us to these beautiful photos of flora & fauna de Nicaragua! These alone would be worth a visit, especially coming from Canada.
My plan is to visit sometime in early spring, or maybe even sooner.
Thanks for your contributions in keeping us informed about this beautiful country!