As some of you may know CBS’s long time running reality TV series Survivor has been filming in San Juan del Sur.
For the past 5 months they have been shooting Season 29 — Survivor: San Juan del Sur (Blood vs. Water) and the next unannounced season. Both seasons are “in the can” as they say with the premiere of the first season airing tonight.

For those who don’t know Survivor is a huge production. They brought well over 200 crew members to Nicaragua, and hired as many more once they arrived.
Many of the crew — including the host Jeff Probst — have been regulars at some of our favorite restaurants and bars. And we’ve actually gotten to know and become friends with a few.
Our “Survivor” friend Paul will be leaving Nicaragua in just a couple of days, heading home to reunite with his wife and nine year old son in Thailand. And tonight as Survivor: San Juan del Sur (Blood vs. Water) airs we will bid Paul farewell over some 12 year Flor de Caña at our favorite bar – Republika.
I found it interesting to watch for the local area. I am not a reality tv fan so would not watch all of it. But I will be checking in from time to time. It was nice to see Nicaragua. We will be back in Poneloya January 30, 2015 for 10 days and again in July 2015 for 10 days. We will begin building our hacienda sometime next year 🙂 I miss Nicaragua.