Yup, that’s right!
We’ve moved.
I know what many of you are thinking,
“Moved? Again? Gosh these guys move a lot!”
Unfortunately just 2 1/2 months after moving into our two bedroom, two bathroom rental home in the neighbourhood of Las Delicias we received notification from the home owner that he was moving back.
In 3 1/2 years of moving around this rental search proved to be the toughest one yet!
We started by telling everyone we knew we were looking for a rental. We posted on the Expats of San Juan del Sur Facebook page asking for help and we also spent some serious time pounding the pavement.
Over the course of a month and a half we viewed at least a dozen rentals in the $500 – $600 per month price range and sadly, none of them were suitable.
All but one, were lacking the quality standard and comforts we have become accustomed to and were looking for.
Thankfully — when I was just about ready to give up, pack my bags and move back to Canada — by some miracle we were able to secure an incredible rental we are both stoked about.
Our new one bedroom, two bathroom rental home is located just outside of town in a small development called Montemar.
With some hard negotiating and a promise to lease for 1 year we were able to talk the home owners down from the advertised monthly rental rate of $950 USD to $550.
In addition to the base rent of $550 other monthly household expenses include the following:
~ Electricity (with no A/C use) $20 – $40 USD
~ Internet $70 USD
~ Satellite TV $17 USD
~ Water $4 USD
This all adds up to a bit more than we wanted to pay — the most we’ve ever had to pay for housing in Nicaragua in fact — but unfortunately these days in San Juan del Sur $500 – $600 per month, just doesn’t get you what it used to.
Like every other rental we’ve lived in there are some good things and some bad things about this home.
I’ll start with the good.
The house is situated up on a hill and has great airflow.
It’s big and bright and has a large deck.
We have been sleeping very comfortably at night — sometimes under a light blanket — with just a floor fan at the foot of the bed.

The water pressure is great and having on-demand hot water for showers is a bonus. Hooray for no more “suicide” showers!

Okay, now onto one of the best things about this property.
It has a pool!
Let me say it again.

Now onto the bad.
The living room is sparsely furnished.
There are no curtains in the dining room.
And the white ceramic tile floor show up every single bit of dust, dirt and gecko poop (which there seems to be a lot of!)

Our kitchen sink is the size of what one would typically expect to have in their bathroom. Washing dishes in it is NO BUEÑO!

Overall, we really have absolutely nothing to complain about. Once again we feel very lucky to have found such a great rental.
With three moves in the last six months it’s a relief to know we don’t have to move again anytime in the near future.
And since we’re going to be here awhile we aren’t fussed over the fact that we may need to spend a little money to purchase things like curtains and or some additional furniture to make the house feel like a home.
Boy am I glad we didn’t have to move back to Canada!
Me!! I want a Tona!!! We don’t have them in the States!! I love your new digs!!!
Thanks, Alex & James. We love our new digs too!
Thank you for sharing, I am just wondering how the whole moving works. I found that company taking my goods to Nicaragua. They quoted me $3300 for shipping to Nicaragua. how that sound?
Has anybody ever used them?
Hi Austin,
We do not have any personal experience shipping items into Nicaragua, however anyone we’ve spoken to who has gone through this process has told us it wasn’t easy. It can be very difficult to get your belongings out of customs — time consuming and costly.
I would suggest talking to a few people who have first hand experience to get some advice and feedback.
A couple questions I would would be as follows:
1. Would you go through the process all over again?
2. Was it worth the time, hassle and money?
Cheers & Good Luck!
The place looks great! Enjoy your new home!
Miss you guys. Can’t wait to visit you in your hew home!
I like to here about you life and moves–hope to see you in the next 6 month and buy a beer or 4—thanks james
great place and beautiful—-
I’ll take a shot of Flor de Cana and a Victoria chaser! Nice life guys. My bride and I have been visiting Nica since, well before Ortega! Wow! 1978 was our first trip together.
She is from Managua…met her at church in New Orleans circa 76′. We have been visiting every 4 years or so since then. Mostly only staying 2 weeks at a time.
We had 2 girls to educate thru college. Except for 2012 when we stayed 3 months. Had to come home to sell the house. Did that, then we rented, downsizing, a smaller home for a year. I tried selling all our stuff that year because we decided to move down….man I sold my F-250, the wife’s Toyota and oh, my Harley…ouch! We were getting ready to purchase our one way tickets finally. You would know it, I had a stroke. So, bought another Toyota and seeing lots of doctors. Wife and I are hoping this routine ends come Spring of 16′.
We have been all over Nica and you’d think we know where we want to be. Years ago you could not keep me out of San Juan del Sur. I loved RICKS Bar! Then as I got older, maybe not wiser because Granada got in our blood. Then get away from the commercial stuff and it’s off to the White Towns for a while. Where will we go next year is anyone’s guess. Maybe Matagalpa! NOT….but we shall see.
Hopefully we can take a trip to your neck of Nica and have lunch, a few beers and share some tails of life in Nica. I have some interesting stories from the Somoza regime and some really good stories of life w/the Contra’s in Costa Rica. My wife’s cousin was an attaché to Eden Pastora during the Iran Contra affairs. She also had two aunts that were nuns during Somoza’s rampage. Interesting stuff if you like history. Everything seems to have worked out for all concerned. Nica is gaining ground w/Tourists and beginning to build what could be a world class economy. I just don’t know how to take this though. I liked Nica in the 70’s, except for Somoza’s brutal regime. I liked it in the 80’s & 90’s. And the past 15 years have not been too bad either. It has been 25 years of no war or aggressions against the people. Nicaraguan people deserve peace and prosperity. I have never met a Nicaraguan I haven’t liked.. Aren’t the people wonderful?
Hope to see more of your blog.
Let me know how it goes……
With Kind Regards,
Hubie Martello
Somewhere on the Gulf of Mexico in the US of A.
Hi Hubie,
Thanks for sharing some of your story.
If/when you get back to San Juan del Sur we’d love to hear more about what your life was like in Nica “back in the day”.
Love the new place. I hope to get to visit you at this one 🙂
Us too, Sal!
So, yeah the kitchen sink would be awful. How have you adapted?
Hi Sandy,
Dishes must be washed very carefully and slowly, always with a cloth close by to sop up the excess water that spills onto the counter and the floor.
The good thing is here in Nicaragua, where it’s typical not to have hot water in the kitchen, dishes are not washed by filling the sink with soapy water, rather piece by piece with a special soap and sponge under running water.
It took some getting used to, but we have actually adapted quite well!
Hey guys enjoy your blog. What is a house like that worth right now? Also who do you use for health care down there if you don’t mind me asking.. I was down in San Jaun in Feb of this year. Love that area.. Thank you … Dave
Hi Dave,
The house right next door to us, with the same floor plan, just slightly different finishes was recently listed for $115 000 USD. It sold – but at what price – I’m not sure.
Since health care is so inexpensive here and we have no major health issues for the time being we choose to just pay for care as needed. For those individuals who prefer to have coverage health care plans can be purchased through the Vivian Pellas Metropolitano Hospital.
Such a lovely home and a great rental price. Luckeee! I always look forward to your posts and it motivates my husband and I to keep planning for our move to Nicaragua one day.
Oh my word. The pros outweigh the cons by a ton. What a beautiful home and an incredible price. How were you able to talk them down so much? Thanks for the tip on negotiating, we’re moving there in Jan and would love a place like that! Nice work!
Hi Hannah,
When it comes to negotiating better rates for rentals having feet on the ground and a commitment to rent longer term (6 months or more) definitely helps.
The time of year also makes a difference. If you’re looking for a rental during high tourist season (November – March) it’s a lot harder to talk a home owner down in price.
It also becomes really tough if you’re trying to secure a long term rental right before the holidays (Christmas, New Years and Semana Santa). Reason being home owners know they can charge more for one week of rent, than what they would typically get for the entire month.
If you’re looking for a deal May through to October tend to be good months to start a rental term.
What an incredible place at an amazing price!! Good job with the negotiating. You got them down a lot! Good to know. We’re moving in January and something like this for that price is an absolute dream!