Since the very successful launch of our Home Finder & Relocation Services business just over a year ago we’ve had very little time to focus on new content for the blog. Knowing many of you look forward to receiving notification of new posts in your inbox, but not being able to find enough hours in the day to deliver, we were thrilled when our expat neighbor and friend Kevin agreed to write for us.
Without further adieu, it is with great pleasure we introduce to you In Nica Now’s first guest blogger, Kevin Keegan!

Hailing from a small community in Southern Alberta, Canada and working outdoors, Kevin has experienced his share of -30, -40 degree Celsius winters. After many years of wishful thinking, him and his wife Loretta decided to make the move to a warmer climate.
First of course, they had to take care of a few pesky logistical concerns like figuring out where to go. They also had to consider options of what to do once they got there.
After exhaustive months of traveling to places such as Mexico, Panama, Ecuador and Nicaragua, trying on a variety of beaches for size, Kevin and Loretta decided after a couple of visits, San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua was the best fit for them.
But not yet being of retirement age and with two kids just starting out on their own, they figured it best to do the grown up thing and make their move in stages.
In preparation for their move, Kevin took some writing courses and set himself up as a contract blogger and internet researcher which currently pays some of his and Loretta’s expenses while in San Juan del Sur. As an alternative employment option, he also obtained the appropriate certificates to teach English as foreign language, specializing in business English.
In keeping with the plan to move in stages while their kids begin their own journey of life, Loretta continues with her job in Canada which affords a measure of flexibility for extended stays in San Juan del Sur.
During the summer months in Canada Kevin keeps himself busy working on a local farm, writing and working towards being in San Juan del Sur full time. He eventually hopes to start a business here that will benefit expats and locals alike.
There are often more questions than answers regarding life in a foreign country. Having access to information about life in Nicaragua from the perspective of those who have faced or are facing the many challenges inherent with moving abroad is invaluable.
Kevin is very excited for the opportunity to do his small part in making your move or visit to Nicaragua as smooth and exciting as possible.
We are equally as excited to have Kevin aboard and in turn be able to provide our readers with another expat’s point of view on life and travel in Nicaragua.
Hello from Newfoundland, Canada. Would really like to join expat Canadians in San Juan del Sur. Would this be advisable as single, 40+, female? Thanks, Jenny
Hi Jenny,
I can absolutely recommend San Juan del Sur for a single 40+ female! In fact, we know many single women who are living here. Some older than you, some younger! 😉