We’d like to introduce you to our little friend and former neighbor Angelina. This photo was taken 6 years ago when she was just 2 years old.
For a year and a half while we were neighbors Angelina would spend time at our home almost daily. She enjoyed playing with our puppy Maggie and loved to color. Together we would watch videos of English nursery rhymes on You Tube.

Angelina is 8 years old now. She has grown into a beautiful charismatic young girl. Every time we see her around town she runs to us with the biggest smiles and hugs.
Angelina’s Mom Hazell recently reached out to us to ask for help with a scholarship for Angie. She wanted to enroll her in English classes at a local Montessori style school.

We are thankful that we have the means to provide this scholarship and a potentially better future for Angelina and her family.
We Can’t Help Everyone, But Everyone Can Help Someone
There are currently 10 other students at Escuela Adelante who are in need of a scholarship.
If you have the resources — and would like to help change a young Nicaraguan child’s life — please please consider donating.
A scholarship of $50 USD per month provides a child with the means to receive a high quality bilingual education. Schooling that can meet the diverse needs of San Juan del Sur.
Choose a child you connect with. Sponsor their education for one month, a few months or year.
To learn a bit about each of the 10 deserving children in need of scholarship please continue reading below.

CCesar has been with Escuela Adelante since he was 3 years old.
He is the tallest boy in his kindergarten class and has a heart to match his stature.
Always smiling and giving hugs, Cesar is loving and kind.
He applies himself in every class … always.
Cesar’s mother works hard at supporting his education, but recently it has become increasingly difficult for her to afford private school. She is torn between school and food. Future or present.
This is Cesar’s 3rd year studying at Escuela Adelante and with a scholarship he can continue to move forward.

MMaria Fernanda’s mother was just 14 years old when she told Jaime, Co-Founder & Director of Escuela Adelante she was pregnant. Jaime was nervous, but pledged her support.
Now at 18 years old Maria Fernanda’s mother is studying accounting on a scholarship, while her daughter is a 2nd-year student at Escuela Adelante.
Maria Fernanda is one of the happiest, joyful children Jaime has had the pleasure to work with.
At 4 years old she is talkative, social and curious.
Maria Fernanda’s mother does not have the means to support her (or her new baby brother) but has dreams of a great education for her daughter.

JJeremy is on the fast track to learning how to read. He exemplifies good manners and never hesitates to tell the truth or help another.
This is his first year at Escuela Adelante (with his twin Marisel) and he is loving it.
Jeremy loves to climb trees. He also loves to practice English. He is a model student who is thriving in his math classes.
His family wants the best for him regardless of their socioeconomic status.

MMarisel is also a first year student at Escuela Adelante.
She is eager to learn and has adapted to her new environment incredibly fast.
She is picking up English very quickly and is enjoying the new style and rhythm of classes at Escuela Adelante.
Marisel is a natural leader. Her twin brother Jeremy also studies at the school and she loves to play with him and the other boys.
Marisel’s mother is a teacher, with 4 children — 1 of which is in university.
Private elementary school never seemed like an option for the family until Escuela Adelante promised to provide a high quality education and fight for equal access.

AAitana is a quiet and thoughtful little girl. She is kind hearted and careful in what she does. She would never hurt anyone.
This is Aitana’s second year at Escuela Adelante. She is always ready to learn something new.
Aitana’s father is behind her education 100%. But with two children at Escuela Adelante, it’s impossible for him to cover tuition costs and provide enough food and support at home to live well.
This family doesn’t have a choice — if they don’t receive a scholarship — Aitana will not be able to continue to study at Escuela Adelante.

CCarlos is excited to be in 1st grade at Escuela Adelante.
In just 4 months his teacher has seen big changes in his personality and academic progress.
Carlos’ mother comes from very humble roots. His father is a fisherman who works under dangerous conditions for little money.
This family may have little income, but they certainly have big dreams.
Carlos is a student who is deserving of support.

OOwen has been studying at Escuela Adelante since he was 2 years old. He is now in 1st grade and has evolved into a curious and kind child.
Since he was little Owen’s Mom has dreamed of him learning English. She truly wants what’s best for him.
As a single mom it is difficult for Owen’s mother to make ends meet and she just doesn’t have enough income to cover his tuition.
Escuela Adelante is the only school Owen has ever known; it is his home.

LThis is Luisa’s first year at Escuela Adelante. She is one of the happiest children you’ll ever meet.
Living in Luisa’s home is a large loving family – grandmother, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
Her father works hard to provide for her and her baby brother but unfortunately — even with all the love and support — it is impossible for him to afford tuition for private schooling.
Luisa loves 1st grade with her teacher David. With financial support she can continue her studies at Escuela Adelante.

LAn incredibly creative and artistic spirit, Luz is just that: light.
She has a laugh that brightens the room and she is always ready for an adventure.
Luz is kind to animals and conscious of the environment.
She is advancing quickly and her teachers think she is ready for kindergarten, even though she is younger than the other students.
Luz is unique and Escuela Adelante loves having her at the school.

NNathan has been with Escuela Adelante for 3 years. The school is like a second home to him.
He is an athletic young man who enjoys gardening class, time outside and gym — just as much as he likes learning to write and count in the classroom.
Whenever Nathan is called upon, he rises to the challenges. His teachers are confident that with an education from Escuela Adelante he will have a bright future.
Unfortunately Nathan’s father struggles in the tourism industry and so providing for his children is difficult. He would be grateful for a hand up so his children can continue on with their bilingual education.
Sharing is Caring
If you don’t have the financial means to donate you can still help. Please share this story with friends and family, co-workers, members of your congregation and anyone else who may be willing and able to give a hand up!
To learn more about Escuela Adelante visit: https://www.escuelaadelantenicaragua.org/.