Thanks for stopping by … we’re so glad you found us!
We’re Gordon & Elisha MacKay. Canadian expats living a relaxed life in the colorful beach town of San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua.

It all started out with a conversation we had in 2007. We were on our honeymoon in Costa Rica.

Playa Ocotal, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
I said to Gordon, “Wouldn’t it be cool if we could live someplace like this one day?”
It was that question that got the ball rolling.
We made it our three to five year plan to relocate somewhere warm and tropical. After extensive research we agreed that Nicaragua would be the place.
We continued to work and live below our means. We saved lots of money and invested wisely. We sold our house for a profit and finally quit our jobs.
And on December 9, 2011 — 4 years and 11 months later — we moved to Nicaragua.
From the beginning we’ve been sharing stories and photos of our Nicaraguan life and travels here on In Nica Now, Facebook & Instagram.
Like many others who start a travel blog we created ours so we’d have a means to keep family and friends up-to-date on our adventures.
We had no idea this blog would allow us the opportunity to create a relocation services business and succeed to selling real estate.
We’ve lost count of all the amazing clients we’ve had the opportunity to work with over the years. It has been an honor and privilege to be a part of each and everyone’s journey. And we are truly grateful to now call so many of our clients friends.

Life in Nicaragua just keeps getting better and better!
We’ve built a home here and became residents. We know Nicaragua is not for everyone, but it sure has worked out well for us!
Want to know more about our journey? Have questions about life, travel, relocation or real estate in Nicaragua? Drop us a line. We’d love to hear from you!