When we told friends and family that we were moving to Nicaragua the first question they always asked was,
“Is it safe there?”
And the second ever popular question was,
“What about health care?”
About a month ago we posted an article about doctors, emergency services and hospitals here in Nicaragua. Although our family doctor is well trained, inexpensive to visit and readily accessible when we go to see him – there is always a wait.
But lucky for us if we happen to have a minor ailment we have the option of going to one of many pharmacies. Surprisingly many pharmacies in Nicaragua even have a doctor on-site available to do quick consultations.
In Granada our pharmacy of choice is Farmacia El Rosario. We’re not sure who Rosario is, but Manuel the pharmacist speaks English very well, and more importantly knows his business.

Each time Elisha & I have gone to see Manuel he listens attentively while we describe our aliment in detail. He’ll ask a question or two before walking to the shelf to get what we need. He usually comes back with a couple of choices to discuss with us. He gives us the facts, lists the pros & cons of each medication and helps us make an informed decision on which is best for us.
Although Manuel’s not a doctor he has been in the business long enough to have seen just about every type of ailment come and go through his pharmacy. His hours are great and he always greets us with a welcoming smile.
What’s even better about Farmacia El Rosario? No waiting room! In fact, there really is no room. If you take one full step off the street you are standing at the counter.
Many of the drugs we have purchased at Rosario’s would require a prescription if purchased in Canada, but here in Nicaragua just about everything can be bought “over the counter”. The costs of common medications are much lower than in Canada or the United States with the more complex meds priced similar to what you’d pay in Canada. All tablets are sold per pill. If you don’t need 50 Gravol – that will expire before you ever use them – you can buy just two.
Although we haven’t had any major medical mishaps since we left Canada 8 months ago we can now say with confidence that health care in Nicaragua is still not a concern.
You sure are right on! We tried three other pharmacy’s in Granada for one of my wife’s med’s and walked into his . . . he told me to return in three hours! He had the right med’s and was waiting for me! Great man and very helpful!
This is very useful. Thank you.
I plan to spend 4 or 5 months in Granada beginning in November, perhaps as a prelude to becoming a permanent resident.
I have been researching recommended vaccines. Using the US State Department recommendations I could incur quite an expense. Have you any experience with obtaining these in Granada, ie Hepatitis A and B and Typhoid.
Thanks very much.
David T
Sent from my iPad
Hi David,
I have no idea what the cost of those injections would be here, but in order for them to be effective you need to get them well before you travel.
Manuel is great. Always friendly and as you say offers a choice of solutions. He has helped me several times. When my granddaughter was visiting and needed something to stop the itching of bites, he solved the problem. He is even patient when I want to practice my Spanish.
Oh good question below about the vaccines. Let ne know too.
Good blog article. Are you aware that he is also a somewhat famous singer in Granada? He has sung at several social events we attended.
We also recommend the Santa Rosa Pharmacy at the end of the Santa Lucia extension going West. They have a doctor onsite for the smaller medical emergencies such as stitches even on Sundays. They will also give you injections if you require them.
Amy and Darrell
Thanks for the heads up on the Santa Rosa pharmacy. It’s always great to have a couple of options, especially for minor medical emergencies.
I’m intrigued by this famous singer you speak of. Sounds like an interesting topic for a future blog post!
Great article. What street is this pharmacy on?
Hi Cliff,
Rosario pharmacy is located on Calle Atravesava. The cross street is Calle Real Xalteva. It is two blocks West from the SW corner of parque central.
I went to this pharmacy as well and Manuel was very helpful!! I have anxiety and he without question let me buy Xanax. I can’t get it here in NV for anything!!
I sure wish he would let me buy the meds I need and ship them to me. The U.S is ridiculous in trying to get Valium or Xanax for anxiety here!! He treated me so nice when I was in Nica in May 2014.