After writing Creepy Crawly Critters Common To Nicaragua guest blogger Kevin Keegan was reminded of two other very annoying critters that commonly share their unwanted presence with those who live or visit Nicaragua.
One would be the seemingly innocuous ant and the other a great deal scarier than many other pests; the mosquito.
Ants are not unique to Nicaragua. Like any other place on earth, small ants, big ants, red ants and black ants can be seen marching one by one or two by two along a path they’ve made familiar through our houses.
If not deterred, ants will waltz in foot loose and fancy free just like they own the place.
Ants just being ants don’t make them any less disgusting. We can clean our homes until our hearts content and hope the geckos take care of them, but if not stopped they will keep coming.
The traditional method of extermination is always an option to rid your home of these pesky critters, but many people prefer more environmentally friendly methods of pest control.
These few of many natural methods found online have provided numerous people with alternatives to effectively deter or rid ants from their home.
- Wash floors and counters with white vinegar and water
- Spray or spread peppermint oil around doors and windows
- Strategically place mixed paste of borax, sugar and water at entry points
- Spray cinnamon oil around windows, doors and baseboards.
Like most aspects of living abroad, finding the ant deterrent that works for you can be a fun and interesting adventure in itself.
Although there are several diseases spread via the bites of mosquitoes, there seems to be three of particular concern to those who live or visit Nicaragua – Chikungunya, Dengue and Zika.
It’s the female of the species that feeds on the blood of a host in order to develop and nourish her eggs which she will lay every three days. As the Mom-to-be requires a belly full of blood before resting and laying her eggs, she will continue to sting, moving from host to host until full. This indiscriminate biting makes it easy to understand how diseases can be spread.
With slight variations, the symptoms of these three diseases may appear very similar; fever, headaches, joint/muscle pain and skin rash. While recipients of Dengue and Zika may experience nausea and vomiting, those with the Zika virus may also experience conjunctivitis or red eyes.
As there is no vaccine available to prevent these debilitating diseases, personal prevention measures are highly stressed.
Precautions may include applying mosquito repellent containing; Deet, pacaridin, IR 3535, oil of lemon, eucalyptus and paramenthane – diol products are said to provide long lasting protection.
If your accommodations have doors and windows without screens it best to keep them closed at dusk, especially during rainy season. Sleeping with a floor fan at the foot of the bed is another way to prevent mosquito bites. For added protection hang a mosquito net over the bed.
Although many of those contracting the Zika virus will not display any symptoms, it may not prevent the spread of the virus. It has also been suggested that the Zika virus can be transmitted from person to person and cause complications in pregnant women.
The spread of mosquito borne diseases is not a matter to be taken lightly by anyone. Please take precautions and enjoy your vacation!

After enjoying many years of cold Canadian winters in a small community in Southern Alberta working cattle then owning and operating two small businesses, Kevin along with his wife Loretta, now call San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua home for several months of the year.
Figuring they would need to fund their life in a new country, Kevin took several writing courses and obtained certification to teach English as a foreign language, specifically business English. Finding the enjoyment in researching and writing on a variety of topics, Kevin now writes blogs and articles for various clients. Check out Kevin’s full bio here.