I wake just before 8 am to the sound of steady rain. The house is slightly darker than usual and the air in the room is cool and fresh. I check the thermometer which shows an outdoor temperature of 25.8 degrees Celcius; inside the temperature reads 27.8 degrees.
With the fan blowing on me from the foot of the bed I’m very comfortable snuggled up under a light blanket.
The treetops outside of our bedroom window are a brilliant color of green. They are lush and full of life.
Rainy season is officially upon us!
One month ago this scene looked a lot different.
The hills surrounding our home were dried up and brown. When Gordon and I woke at six or seven in the morning the air was already thick, hot and humid.
In Nicaragua April and May are the hottest, driest months of the year. This time of year is our least favorite.

In the last couple of months we’ve seen daytime temperatures reach as high as 38 degrees Celsius. Many nights when we were ready to go to bed the temperature inside the house was still 31 degrees Celcius.
This heat, with no wind, day after day was becoming oppressive.
It’s during this time of year that we are extremely grateful to have air conditioning and we’re not bothered by the added electricity costs. To have relief from the heat and get a restful night’s sleep is well worth the extra $20 or $30 USD per month we have to spend.
Before moving to Nicaragua we had no idea what to expect of rainy season. We had visions of of heavy rainfall all day every day for months.
“Do we need to pack rain coats?”
“Should I buy rubber boots?”
Regardless of whether you’re moving here or just planning a visit we can now tell you from experience that rain coats and rubber boots aren’t necessary. A large umbrella might be a good idea though. And you’ll most definitely want to have a pair of waterproof flip flops or sandals.
An average day in rainy season starts a little cooler and overcast at dawn. By mid morning the clouds have usually burned off and the rest of the day is sunny and beach worthy until at least late afternoon.
When the rains do come it’s usually at night with real intensity. Sometimes the storm ends as quickly as it began; but other times the rain continues to fall all night long.
The first month of rainy season (June) and last month (October) are the rainiest months of the season. During these months rains may come daily and occasionally continue all day long. Typically during the months of July and August it only rains every three or four days and again, mainly in the evening.
We really like rainy season. After going five or six months without a single drop of rain there is nothing better than that first rainfall.
It’s amazing to witness the transformation as the landscape goes from an ugly brown to beautiful green in just a couple weeks.

There are however, a few minor downsides that come with rainy season.
For starters power outages are quite common at the beginning of rainy season. They usually happen at night. No power means no fan or air conditioning, which makes for a very uncomfortable night’s sleep.
We also see an increase in the amount of bugs, mosquitoes and house flies during this time.
Another slight annoyance that comes with rainy season is the mud, that evidently gets tracked into the house.
Without a dryer keeping up on laundry during rainy season can challenging.
Overall, the few annoyances that come with rainy season are definitely outweighed by the good.
Bottom line, when I surveyed the members of the San Juan del Sur Friends & Neighbours Facebook group asking if they liked rainy season the results did not surprise me.
Every single person that answered gave a thumbs up to rainy season.
I love rainy season as well. I really struggle with the heat in May before rainy season starts.
Great post..thanks. Could you give a guess as to how many power outages we could expect on a weekly basis during this time? I’m curious from a work perspective (I would be spending a good amount of time on wifi per day) if it was a daily thing or weekly/bi-weekly? I’m sure you probably don’t know with certainty but if you had to guess based off your past experiences with rainy season. Thanks so much for all the insight! Brent
Hi Brent:
Today we lost power for 45 minutes and two days ago we had two 5 minute outages during a storm. The week before I can’t remember any outages but when it comes to internet, power isn’t really a concern.
We keep our electronics charged and turn on the hotspot on our phone to use 4G anytime the power is out.
We know dozens of people working online in San Juan del Sur without any issues. You just need a back up plan to stay connected if your primary ISP is not available.
This article should help you with your concerns.
Working Remotely in Nicaragua
Thanks so much. You guys are super helpful.
Is the same weather you described typical in September as well? i just booked a trip the first weekend of September and I’m hoping to see a little sunshine 🙂
Hi Gabi,
Yes, the weather in September will be very much the same as what is described in this article. Quite often the rains come at night; it’s unlikely that it’ll be raining every day all day in September so you definitely should see some sun when you’re here.
Enjoy your trip!
Interesting post!
Is middle-late November very rainy in the western half of Nica?
Hi Gene,
Usually the rains have stopped by mid-November. Typically they don’t return until mid-May.