Without thinking twice the lady in the seat in front of me drops her plastic Fresca bottle out of the bus window.  To my left I can see Volanco Momotombo. The air is filled with the smell of smoke from the burning palms; it’s the “smell” of Nicaragua. A pop song I recognize (but can’t recall the name of) is blaring from the speakers.  

As the bus slows to pick up more passengers, ahead in the distance I see a herd of 50 or more cattle blocking the road.  The driver approaches slowly, honks the horn and plows through the herd, nearly missing a few of the lazy ones.

Two seats ahead of me a Gringo lady with heavily black lined lids cuddles with her little white dog; he seems to be enjoying the ride.  She’s seated with a local guy.  This is the 2nd time I’ve seen this couple while traveling on the bus and I wonder what their story is.  

The windows are down, but the breeze blowing in is balmy. The frequent stop and go motion of the bus makes me feel nauseous and a little bit dizzy.  Finally, we arrive at our destination. As I stand up the back of my legs are sticky with sweat and I think to myself how crazy and amazing it is that I am living in Nicaragua!

One Comment

  1. Wow! Love reading your stories. It’s surreal to me you guys are there with your life so I can’t imagine how you guys must be blown away day after day. Glad things are going well and I look forward to reading regularly!

    Take care!


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