Tropical Storm Nate Relief Mission
~ Our neighbors and cuidador (security guard) help put together personal hygiene packages for the people in the communities of La Leona & Tortuga

Thanks to volunteers and generous donors the community of Tortuga is well on it’s way to being back on track!

Just nine days after Tropical Storm Nate ravaged this community everyone had a bed to sleep in and a pillow to lay their head on.


The community now has clean drinking water. The water pipeline system has been upgraded. And electricity has been restored.

The government repaired the road and it is now passable by bicycle, motorcycle and 4×4. They also provided each family with a two-burner cook top stove.

In addition to beds, pillows, sheets, flashlights and food we’ve also given each family in the community a personal hygiene pack. Those with babies were given a supply of diapers, baby food and milk. Each family also received a frozen chicken.

* Photos in the slideshow provided by Jeff Rhude and In Nica Now.


The people of Tortuga are no longer in crisis mode, but together we still have a great deal to do.

Next we will deliver business starter kits to the women’s cooperatives. With these they can make bread and cheese to sell in the community. We also have one individual who needs help reopening her pulperia (grocery store).

With the donation money we have left – and any extra funds received – we plan to buy building materials.

Hopefully, before long, life in Tortuga will be back to normal!


Truthfully, we could not do this without you. We, and the community of Tortuga, sincerely thank you for your support. From the bottom of our hearts, “Muchísima gracias!”

~ PHOTO BY: Kathleen Brugger | Time Capsule Video

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